Botanical Garden


El Nabatat Island or Kitchener’s Island is a small, oval-shaped island in the Nile at Aswan, Egypt. It is less than a kilometer long and its width is less than ½ a kilometer. The Aswan Botanical Garden is located on the island.


Kitchener’s Island, located to the west of Elephantine Island, and was given to Lord Horatio Kitchener in the 1890s when he was commander of the Egyptian army. Indulging his passion for beautiful palms and plants, Kitchener turned the entire island into the stunning Aswan Botanical Gardens, importing plants from the Far East, India and parts of Africa.


The island, as a whole, constitutes the Aswan Botanical Garden. One can view the many types of subtropical, exotic, and rare plantings and trees such as the Royal Palm tree and the Sabal Palm tree. The gardens are particularly popular among the local people and tourists as a park for a quiet afternoon away from the noise of the city and weekend picnics. The island and gardens can be reached by feluccas that reach the Southeastern side of the small island