Mudawara Mountain


The terrain southwest of Cairo drops into a large depression called the Fayoum Oasis. Within the area, are a number of lakes, Egypt’s only permanent waterfall, and the unusual Mudawara Mountain (Jebel al- Mudawara), located to the west of Al Fayoum Lake. Although it is more of a rock formation than a true mountain, there are three distinct summits, with another lower point or two to the west. Its layered appearance is beautiful, with a certain symmetry to the feature that draws your gaze to it.  Interestingly, with Al Fayoum’s surface at an elevation of 118 feet below sea level, the peak nevertheless offers several fun scrambles, each affording a wonderful view of the surrounding terrain.


Mudawara mountain is located only a couple of hundred meters to the south of Wadi El Rayyan Road, just after it passes to the north of Al Fayoum Lake.