A First Timer’s Guide To Planning A Trip To Egypt

A First Timer’s Guide To Planning A Trip To Egypt


A trip to Egypt can be a life-changing experience. It is a country full of culture, history, and an unending list of tourist attractions. You can literally spend months exploring Egypt and not see everything there is to see.

Also, every tourist has certain time limitations. Generally, tourists opt for week-long Egypt Holidays Packages. Within this time, they want to explore every single destination in Egypt that can help to make the most of their Egypt trip. However, the question is how to plan a trip to Egypt in the best way possible.

Planning A Trip To Egypt As A First Timer

Is it safe to plan a trip to Egypt?

Yes, Egypt is absolutely safe for tourists and hence it is completely safe to plan a vacation to Egypt. Actually the summer of 2013 was a great time to visit Egypt. There were no demonstrations or troubles and at most a few small attacks. In general, police presence is strong and presence could be seen at various sites all throughout the country. In history, it has always been an easy place to get around without any worries.

Most all areas are filled with massive tour groups so staying away from these popular places will certainly be safer while visiting. While booking a Egypt tour package, people need to know that their own security depends on their behavior too; we weren’t unaware of what was going on – but neither did we allow ourselves to become afraid and run off somewhere else where things seemed safer but more dangerous in reality!

safe to plan trip to Egypt

Is there a tipping culture in Egypt?

Before traveling to Egypt for the first time, it’s best to learn about its culture and traditions. While booking an Egypt trip package, you should know about tipping which is known as “baksheesh”-it is a big part of their culture in Egypt. The system takes care of everything. You tip for pretty much anything and everything – like getting your bags handled by the porter or even taking a photo while at a historic site!

Do I have to pay for camera fee or photography fee?

It is illegal in Egypt to take photographs of government buildings and military installations. This includes the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Valley of the Kings. However, this is not very strictly enforced, and the only time you will be told to stop taking photos is if you are in a place where photography is clearly prohibited.

Some places also charge certain photography fees in addition to the entry fee. You will need to pay for this amount in return for permission to click pictures.

local street vendors

Can bargaining be done with local street vendors and touts?

Like many countries, Egypt’s cities are inhabited by all kinds of people including street vendors whose sole purpose is to sell their wares to tourists. One of the things that people love about travel is experiencing everything culture has to offer, including its souvenirs, and visitors to Egypt are no exception.

One thing you’ll notice about the Egyptian market places is that bargaining and haggling have become such an intrinsic part of the experience that it can feel nearly impossible not to take part in them!

sick on an Egypt Trip

How to avoid getting sick on an Egypt Trip?

When planning a vacation to Egypt, you need to know that the heat in Egyptian cities can be truly intense.

As a result, dehydration is something you don’t want to take chances with because it can affect so many things – from your physical appearance especially when you’re on vacation, having to deal with an impatient tour guide and having such a good time that you don’t even want to lie down and rest to when you get back home and keep forgetting all the things you wanted to do or needed to do at work.

Other than this, make sure you eat from clean and hygienic places. The food should be of premium quality and keep you energized the whole day.

Final Words

So, these were some of the things you need to keep into account for first-time Egypt travelers. If you’re excited about planning a trip to Egypt, then look no further than Egypt Key Tours. For better information on our Egypt tour packages or want to book cheap holidays to Egypt, consider visiting our website today.


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